用231份云南籼稻核心种质作供体亲本、滇屯502作轮回亲本配制回交后代BC3F2群体,设低磷(有效磷6.26 mg/kg)胁迫和正常磷(有效磷40 mg/kg)胁迫2种处理进行耐低磷鉴定,用模糊隶属函数值法分级并比较BC3F2和其籼稻亲本耐低磷差异。结果表明:①以模糊隶属函数值为指标进行耐低磷特性分级,籼稻亲本和回交后代BC3F2之间及稻作区间均存在差异。②籼稻亲本和BC3F2回交后代的模糊隶属函数值方差分析有3个稻区差异不显著。说明BC3F2较好的保持了亲本的耐低磷特性。③BC3F2回交后代耐低磷特性发生了部分变异,耐低磷能力有趋于轮回亲本滇屯502的趋势。④筛选出10份超强耐低磷BC3F2组合和4份弱耐低磷9级敏感组合,可作为基因定位研究和磷高效新品种选育的重要亲本材料。⑤模糊隶属函数法进行耐低磷综合评价可对每个品种或回交后代群体做出精细分级,直观反映各个稻区耐低磷力大小,大大提高了表型鉴定的准确度。
231 core Indica rice germplasms as the donor parent and Yunnan Diantun 502 as recurrent parent were used to prepare backcross generation BC3F2 in Yunnan.The low-phosphorus(P 6.26 mg/kg) coercion and non-low phosphorus(P 40mg/kg) treatment for two types of stress tolerance to low phosphorus identification were established to class and compare the tolerance to low phosphorus difference of BC3F2 and its Indica parent by the fuzzy membership function value method.The results showed(ⅰ)with the fuzzy membership function value as the indicators of tolerance to low phosphorus characteristics grade,the tolerance to low phosphorus between Indica parent and backcross generation BC3F2 and the rice regions were different.(ⅱ) There were no significant differences among three rice regions by the fuzzy membership function value variance analysis for Indica parent and backcross generation BC3F2,indicating BC3F2 could maintain better the parent characteristics in tolerance to low phosphorus.(ⅲ) Some variations happened in the tolerance to low phosphorus characteristics of backcross generation BC3F2,showing the capacity of tolerance to low phosphorus tended to have recurrent parent Yunnan Diantun 502 trend.(ⅳ)The crosses BC3F2 with supper strong tolerance to low phosphorus and 4 with weak nine-sensitive portfolios tolerance to low phosphorus were selected to be used as gene mapping study and important parent materials in phosphorus efficient breeding.(ⅴ)The comprehensive evaluation of tolerance to low phosphorus by the fuzzy membership function value was carried out to finely classify each variety and backcross generation and could visually reflect tolerance to low phosphorus ability in rice regions and greatly improved the accuracy of phenotype identification.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Backcross generation
Indica rice
Characteristics of tolerance to low phosphorus
Fuzzy membership function value of indicators of tolerance to low phosphorus