[目的]了解洛阳市食物中毒类突发公共卫生事件流行特征及经济损失评估情况,为完善突发事件经济损失评估机制提出意见和建议。[方法]对2004~2009年洛阳市食物中毒类突发公共卫生事件网络直报资料进行描述性流行病学分析。[结果]2004~2009年,洛阳市共报告食物中毒类突发公共卫生事件11起,夏秋季(8~9月)多发,占36.36%,以细菌性食物中毒(8起,占72.73%)多见。在11起事件中,有5起进行了经济损失评价,仅占所有事件的45.45%;5起事件直接经济损失填报完整性为20.00%,逻辑符合率为60.00%,间接经济损失填报完整性为100.00%。这5起的直接经济损失为1 250~38 000元,间接经济损失为2 000~30 000元。地域间、同类事件间经济损失评价存在不平衡,标准不统一。[结论]应重视突发事件经济损失评估工作,逐步开展评估体系和标准的研究。
[Objective]To learn the epidemiological characteristics and economic loss of food poisoning in Luoyang city,so as to provide suggestions for improving the economic loss evaluation system on public health emergent events.[Methods]By descriptive epidemiology method,the data were collected and analyzed through internet-based surveillance system in 2004-2009.[Results]11 food poisoning emergent events were reported in 2004-2009,of which,those occurred in August and September accounted for 36.36%,those caused by bacteria accounted for 72.73%(8).5 of the 11 events had been evaluated on the economic loss,accounting for 45.45%;the filling completeness rate of direct economic loss was 20.00% in the report,logical confirming rate was 60.00%,the filling completeness rate of indirect economic loss was 100.00%.Direct economic loss was about RMB 1 250-RMB 38 000.Indirect economic loss was about RMB 2 000-RMB 30 000.It was unbalanced and inconsistent with standard for the economic loss evaluation between areas and same type events.[Conclusion]More attention should be paid to the economic loss evaluation of public health emergent events,the research should be gradually be conducted on the evaluation system and standard.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Food poisoning
Public health emergent event