[目的]了解吕梁市离石区2004~2009年法定传染病疫情动态及流行特征,为制定和完善传染病防治策略与措施提供科学依据。[方法]对吕梁市离石区2004~2009年《疾病监测信息报告管理系统》中法定传染病报告资料进行分析。[结果]2004~2009年,全区累积报告法定传染病19种4 636例,年均发病率为308.18/10万,死亡5例(乙类传染病),死亡率为0.33/10万,病死率为0.29%。其中,乙类传染病15种4 122例,丙类传染病4种514例。各年发病率(/10万)分别为119.52、301.16、306.44、306.58、388.62、419.28。年均发病率(/10万),肺结核为111.88,乙型肝炎为73.99,淋病为9.44,梅毒为22.40,痢疾为19.01,麻疹为17.82;城镇为316.34,农村为297.90(P<0.05);0~14岁为185.41,15~34岁为346.41,35~54岁为382.95,55~64岁为188.78,≥65岁为221.27(P<0.01)。[结论]2004~2009年吕梁市离石区传染病发病率呈上升趋势,肺结核、乙肝、淋病、梅毒、痢疾为今后预防控制的重点。
[Objective]To understand the trend and epidemic features of notifiable infectious diseases in Lishi district,Lvliang city,2004-2009,so as to provide scientific basis for formulating and improving the means of prevention and control against the infectious diseases.[Methods]Analysis was made on the notifiable cases of infectious diseases based on Diseases Supervising and Reporting Information System.[Results]In 2004-2009,a total of 19 kinds and 4 636 cases of notifiable infectious diseases were reported in Lishi district;the aanual average incidence of disease was 308.18/105;the death cases were 5(class B infectious disease);the average death rate was 0.33/105;the average death rate was 0.29% The cases of class B infectious diseases were 4 122(15 kinds) and the cases of class C were 514(4 kinds).The annual average incidences(/105) in 2004-2009 were 119.52,301.16,306.44,306.58,388.62,and 419.28 respectively.The annual average incidences(/105) in tuberculosis,hepatitis B,Gonorrhea,syphilis,dysentery and measles were 111.88,73.99,9.44,22.40,19.01,and 17.82 respectively.The average incidences of infectious diseases in cities and in villages were 316.34 and 297.90 respectively(P0.05).The average incidences of infectious diseases(/105)varied from age to age:185.41(0-14),346.41(15-34),382.95(35-54),188.78(55-64),221.27(≥65)(P0.01).[Conclusion]The incidence of infectious diseases in Lishi district is on the rise from 2004 to 2009,among which tuberculosis,hepatitis B,Gonorrhea,syphilis,dysentery should be attached more importance to in prevention and cure in future.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Infectious diseases