In the year of 2006,China's newly amended company law came into force.One of the unique features of the 2006 company law is the attempt in the balancing of interests,which was neglected by the 1993 company law.Article 20(3),which entitles the court to hold the shareholders responsible for indemnifying the creditors by abusing the independent status of legal person or shareholders' limited liability,is a typical vehicle in balancing the interest between the company's shareholders and creditors among the provisions of the new company law.Unlike common law where the grounds for "revealing the corporate veil" were provided by a series of cases with specific circumstances,a provision in a statute such as Article 20 usually causes trouble because of its ambiguous wording and inflexibility.Thus,it tries to understand Article 20(3)through the perspective of the company law of the United Kingdom,one of the first common law countries that started the practice of "lifting(or piercing)the corporate veil".
Journal of Harbin University
revealing the veil of company
separate legal personality
limited liability