
永磁同步伺服系统速度调节器抗饱和补偿器设计 被引量:11

Anti-windup design for PI regulator of PMSM servo system
摘要 针对永磁同步伺服系统速度调节器积分饱和问题,按照反计算思想,提出一种新型的AW设计方法。该AW方法可根据PI调节器输入输出状态确定反计算支路的增益,为其提供一套整定原则。通过仿真和实验对比传统反计算AW与该新型AW设计方法,仿真和实验结果验证了该新型AW设计的可行性及优越性。在保证系统响应速度的前提下,新型AW设计的PI调节器能有效降低系统动态响应的超调,特别是在大范围变化时,可综合提高系统的动态性能。 Aiming at the problem caused by the PI integral saturation of speed regulator in permanent magnet synchronous servo system,a novel anti-windup(AW) design which is based on the mind of back-calculation was presented.The proposed AW design provided a tuning principle for the back-calculation gain,which is determined according to the input and output status of PI regulators.The new method of AW was compared with the classical AW by simulation and experiment.The simulated and experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and advantage of the new AW design.The PI regulator with the proposed AW design can reduce the overshoot of system dynamic response with the similar response speed,and improve the dynamic behavior especially in wide range of dynamic variation.
出处 《电机与控制学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期46-51,共6页 Electric Machines and Control
基金 国家自然科学基金(51007012) 哈尔滨工业大学优秀青年教师培养计划(HITQNJS.2009.026)
关键词 ANTI-WINDUP 永磁同步电机 PI控制器 反计算 anti-windup permanent magnet synchronous motors PI controller back-calculation
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