

Synthesis of layered hollow NiO nanoparticle by using bamboo charcoal biologic template
摘要 以竹炭作为生物模板,结合浸渍-煅烧法制备了空心纳米NiO。XRD测试结果表明,产物为立方相NiO;TEM测试结果表明样品为空心六面体结构,其平均粒径为100~150 nm,孔径为50~100 nm,且壳层结构均由片状纳米晶粒构筑而成。 NiO nanoparticle was successfully synthesized via a immersing-annealing technique by using the bamboo charcoal as biologic template.The results of XRD showed that the obtained sample was cubic NiO,TEM results indicated that the prepared NiO had irregularly hollow hexahedron structure with the average diameter of 100~150 nm and the average pore sizes of 50~100 nm,the hollow shells were composed of thin nanosheets.
作者 龚良玉
出处 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 2011年第4期579-581,共3页 Applied Chemical Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30871894) 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目(BS2010NJ007)
关键词 竹炭 纳米NIO 生物模板 空心 bamboo charcoal NiO nanoparticles biologic template hollow hexahedron
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