
超级电容器碳电极材料制备工艺优化与性能 被引量:4

Praparation Optimization and Performance of Carbon Electrode Materials for Supercapacitor
摘要 以碳化后的中间相沥青为前驱体、KOH为活化剂制备了超级电容器用活性炭电极材料,考察了KOH活化温度和碱碳比对所制备的超级电容器用活性炭电极材料的孔隙结构和电化学行为的影响,分析了不同工艺条件下所制备的活性炭电极材料的孔结构和电化学性能的影响因素。结果表明,于800℃活化温度和4∶1碱碳比条件下制备的活性炭电极在1mol/L(C2H5)4NBF4/PC时的最大比电容量可达103.2F/g,活性炭孔结构和比电容量的变化依赖于具体的处理工艺,中孔的含量对活性炭电极的比电容量会产生重要影响。 With the selection of mesopitch pitch after carbonization process as precursor and KOH as activated agent, the activated carbon electrode material was fabricated for supercapacitor. The influence of activated temperature and KOH/C ratio on the pore structure and electrochemical property of porous activated carbon were investigated. The reasons caused the changes of pore structure and electrochemical performance of activated carbon prepared at different condition were also discussed. The results indicate that the maximum specific capacitance of 103. 2F/g of carbon electrode materials prepared in the condion of 800℃ and 4: 1 KOH/C ratio can be obtained in 1mol/L (C2H5)4 NBG/ PC, the pore structure and the specific capacitance of activated carbon depend on the treatment conditions; the mesopore contents have great influence on the specific capacitance of activated cabon electrode.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期53-56,共4页 Materials Reports
基金 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2007BAE12B01)
关键词 超级电容器 活性炭 KOH活化工艺 孔结构 比电容量 supercapacitor, activated carbon, KOH activated process, pore structure, specific capacitance
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