
Deform有限元模拟软件材料数据库的开发与应用 被引量:18

Development and Application of Materials Database of Finite Element Simulation Software Deform
摘要 Deform是专业化金属塑性成形有限元模拟软件之一,在金属2D/3D成形加工和热处理工艺的模拟分析方面得到了广泛应用。然而,在Deform自带的材料数据库中缺乏常用合金的数据,迫切需要对其进行完善。在Deform原有材料库的基础上对材料数据库进行二次开发,建立了涵盖常用60种钢、26种高温合金和30种钛合金的材料数据库,实现了材料数据库与Deform有限元模拟软件的无缝集成,完善了Deform材料数据库,并验证了所添加材料的可靠性,从而达到了Deform有限元模拟软件为实际生产提供方便服务的目的。 Deform is one of the specialized finite element simulation softwares in metal plastic forming, which is successfully used in the simulation analysis of metal 2D/3D forming and heat treatment process. However, the original materials database of Deform software urgently needs to be replenished for lacking data of commonly used alloys. A new added materials database including 60 kinds of steel, 26 kinds of super alloys and 30 kinds of titanium alloys was established by the secondary development based on the original materials database of Deform software, and triumphantly realized seamless integration with Deform software. Finally, the materials database of Deform software was completed, and the creditability of additive material was validated, thus the aim of application of practical Deform software in practical production was achieved.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期131-134,共4页 Materials Reports
基金 973计划项目(2007CB613807) 国家自然科学基金(51075333)
关键词 Deform有限元模拟软件 材料数据库 二次开发 无缝集成 finite element simulation software Deform, materials database, secondary development, seamless integration
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