调查统计显示,赤水世界自然遗产地拥有种子植物171科692属1715种,其中裸子植物7科12属13种,被子植物164科680属1702种。分析表明赤水遗产地种子植物区系具有以下特征:(1)区系物种组成丰富,优势科明显;单种科和非单种单属科较多,反映区系科分化明显;2~5种少型属和单种属分别占统计属数的40.03%and52.17%,从一定程度上反映出区系小生境的多样性;(2)区系起源古老。中生代孑遗植物桫椤(Cyathea spinulosa)广泛分布于深山峡谷区;该区域分布的小黄花茶(Camellia luteoflora)被认为是山茶属中在系统发育上较原始的种群。(3)区系成分复杂,除缺少中亚分布外,其它成分均有分布。热带、温带成分分别占区系统计成分的53.13%和43.60%,区系热带性质更明显。(4)与较低纬度的施秉世界自然遗产提名地相比,区系热带性质也更明显,且两区系科相似性较高,达81.52%,种相似性较低,仅为26.91%,反映小生境差异较大。
Research shows that there are seed plants of 171 families, 692 genuses and 1715 species in Chishui Danxia natural world heritage site, including gymnosperm of 7 families, 12 genues and 13 species and angiosperm of 164 families, 680 genuses and 1702 species. Analysis indicates that the flora has following characters. ( 1 ) With high species diversity, dominant family is notable. There are many families with one species or one genus, which reflects a dramatic differentiation of family. Genus with 2 -5 species and monotype genus respectively takes 40.03% and 52. 17% of total genus, which to some extents reflects habitat diversity. (2) The flora is ancient. There is a wide distribution of ancient species of Cyathea spinulos and Camellia luteoflora. (3) Beside Central Asia distribution, there are all other types. Tropic and temperature components respectively takes 53.13% and 43.60% of all statistic genuses, showing clear topical nature. (4) Comparing with Shibing nominated natural world heritage site, the former also shows clear tropical nature. They show high family comparability of 81.52% and lower genus comparability of 26. 91% , indicating a clear habitat difference.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences