
恩格尔哈特的允许原则与彼彻姆等的尊重自主原则之述评 被引量:4

On Engelhardt's Permission Principle and Beauchamp's Re-speet for Autonomy Principle
摘要 恩格尔哈特的允许原则说与彼彻姆的四原则说是当今学术界有关原则主义争论的重要关注点。通过对恩格尔哈特的允许原则和彼彻姆等的尊重自主原则进行详细分析,可以看出两原则虽存在冲突但也有很多相通之处,反思两原则建立的基础和内涵,对我国生物医学伦理原则的建构有很好的借鉴价值。 Engelhardt's permission principle and Beauchamp's four principles are the focuses in the current debates on ethical principles in academic circle. By analyzing Engelhardt's permission principle and Beauchamp's respeet for autonomy principle, the author clarified the conflicting points as well as common points in the two principles. It is of great referencial value for constructing Chinese bioethics to reflect on the basis and connotation of the two ethical principles.
作者 张媛媛
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2011年第2期144-146,共3页 Chinese Medical Ethics
关键词 允许原则 尊重自主原则 知情同意 俗世道德 伦理境遇 道德异乡人 Permission Principle Respect for Autonomy Principle Informed Consent Worldly Morality Ethical Circamstance Moral Strangers
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