

Study of Urban Heat Island and Planning Strategies of Guangzhou City Based on RS and GIS
摘要 在全球高速城市化的背景下,城市热岛被认为是主导整个城市环境的要素之一,对城市公共健康、空气质量、能源消耗等方面已产生深远影响。项目组利用2008年3月4日Landsat TM影像对广州市地表温度和土地覆盖进行解译,分析了地表温度与地形、地表覆盖等之间的关系。结果表明,广州市热岛总体呈现"带状、多中心"的空间分布特征,建筑密集区平均地表温度为22.16 oC,分别高出水体4.23 oC、绿地2.65 oC,是城市热岛最为集中分布的土地类型。项目组因此提出了构筑生态廊道,优化城市空间布局,提高城市绿地覆盖率,增加水体面积以及发展可再生绿色能源,减少人为热的排放量等减缓对策,为广州市城市生态规划提供了科学依据,为城市人居环境质量改善提供技术支持。 Urban heat island was regarded as the major issue in the urban environment and had profound effect on public health,air quality and energy consumption in global warming and high speed urbanization context.Land use,characteristics of the thermal environment and spatial distribution of heat island of Guangzhou based on TM image acquired on March 4th 2008 were obtained.The relationships among topographic factors,various land cover types and the land surface temperature were analyzed using GIS spatial analysis tools.The results show that the urban heat island area of Guangzhou city is Multi-center and strip-shaped. The average temperature of Building-up areas surface is 22.16 oC,4.23 and 2.65 oC higher than the water bodies,green-land,respeetively,Building-up areas are the most concentrated distribution of land types for urban heat islands.Therefore,some hot mitigation countermeasures was proposed,such as building the proposed ecological corridor,optimizing the layout of urban space;improving urban green space coverage,increasing the area of water bodies,as well as the development of renewable green energy and reducing emissions of man-made.The paper provides a scientific basis for the ecological planning and technical support to improve the quality of living environment of Guangzhou.
出处 《广东园林》 2011年第2期12-16,共5页 Guangdong Landscape Architecture
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划(2007BAC28B01) 广东省建设厅科研课题"珠三角区域绿地管理政策指引"资助
关键词 RS与GIS 城市热岛 影响因素 广州 TM 广东园林 RS and GIS Urban heat island influencing factor Guangzhou TM Guangdong landscape architecture
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