以四川灾后恢复重建项目DLG生产为例说明外业调绘的综合应用方式,主要是利用航空影像、高分辨率卫星影像、P5卫星立体影像等资料进行DLG全要素采集、更新。室内采用人机交互方法进行影像识别判读,更新采集地貌地物要素,形成电子调绘工作底图,对于无法识别的要素,由外业核查并确认,外业采用手持式GPS、手持式激光测距仪等设备进行外业修、补测,将修补测数据及其他调绘信息综合处理后,形成完整的电子调绘图,通过实践,该方法能够满足1∶10 000比例尺成图的精度要求,大大提高了工作效率。
By taking the DLG production for Sichuan post-disaster reconstruction project as an example,this paper illustrated the comprehensive application method of field data collection.In this method,full DLG features were collected and updated by utilizing aerial images,high resolution satellite images and P5 satellite stereo images.According to the practice,this method could fulfill the accuracy requirements of 1∶ 10 000 scale mapping,which can significantly improve the work efficiency.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology