
美兰标记乳胶环套扎手术治疗78例乳头溢液的临床观察 被引量:4

The Clinical Observation of 78 Patients with Nipple Discharge by Means of Methylene Blue Signing Cyclic Latex Loop Ligature Operation
摘要 目的探讨乳头溢液的手术治疗方法,使手术范围更局限准确,减少复发率。方法回顾性分析我院收治的78例病理性乳头溢液患者的临床资料和随访结果。结果 78例病理性乳头溢液患者中,乳腺导管扩张症11例(14.1%);乳腺导管内乳头状瘤37例(47.4%);囊性增生症26例(33.3%);乳腺癌4例(5.1%)。术中无一例美兰漏液或返流干扰术野。随访8~32个月,无一例复发。结论单导管乳头溢液特别是血性溢液应积极外科治疗;美兰标记乳胶环套扎乳头乳腺区段切除术在治疗乳头溢液疾病中是一种损伤小、定位准确、安全可靠的手术方式。 Objective To evaluate the way of surgical treatment on patients with nipple discharge,and in order to make it more accurate,localize and less recurrence.Methods A retrospective study and clinic follow up research of 78 patients with nipple discharge from May of 2008 to May of 2010 was performed.Results In the 78 cases with nipple discharge,the pathological results were composed of duct ectasia 11(14.1%),intraductal papilla 37(47.4%),pathological breast hyperplasia 26(33.3%),breast cancer 4(5.1%).The treatment including Methylene blue signing cyclic latex loop ligature segmental mastectomy was safe and accurate.No surgical field was disturbed by the leakage or regurgitation of methylene blue.During a follow-up of 8 to 32 months,no recurrence was found.Conclusion Active treatment is important for single duct discharge especially for bloody discharge.The treatment including Methylene blue signing cyclic latex loop ligature segmental mastectomy is a safe,accurate,and reliable way of operation and with less damage for patients with nipple discharge.
作者 魏娅
出处 《肿瘤基础与临床》 2011年第2期154-155,共2页 journal of basic and clinical oncology
关键词 乳头溢液 美兰 手术治疗 nipple discharge methylene blue operation treatment
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