目的为探讨糖化血红蛋白(HbAIc)异常时2型糖尿病(2-DM)患者同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)、D-二聚体、血流变、血脂的临床意义。方法观察了HbAIc异常时,65例2-DM患者和30名正常对照组的血浆D-二聚体,Hcy、血粘度、血脂(总胆固醇:TC、甘油三脂:TG)水平。结果 2-DM患者Hcy、D-二聚体、血粘度、血脂水平明显高于正常对照组(P<0.01),具有显著性差别;伴视网膜病变2-DM组Hcy、D-二聚体、全血血浆粘度、红细胞聚积指数、变形指数均高于无视网膜病变组(P<0.01);血浆D-二聚体、Hcy水平与空服血糖、血浆粘度呈正相关。结论 2-DM患者存在血凝、和纤溶性增高,并与血流变改变,Hcy增高密切相关,因此,HbAIc异常时,联合检测D-二聚体、Hcy、血流变、血脂是监测2-DM患者多脏器(尤其是眼、肾、心脏、血管)的损害和功能衰竭的重要指标。
Objective To explore the clinical significance of the blood coagulation、Hcy、blood flow change、blood lipid in patients with 2-DM.Methods When the HbAIc exceptions,Determining 65 cases 2-DM and 30 cases normal contral group's blood plasama D-dimier and serum levels of Hcy,Viscosity,Lipids(TC,TG).Results Demonstrated that 2-DM patient Hcy,the D-dimer,the blood viscosity,the blood lipid level are higher than normal control group obviously(P0.01),Accompanies retina pathological change 2-DM group Hcy,the D-dimer body,the whole blood blood plasma viscosity,the red blood cell accumulation index,the distortion index to be higher than disregards the net interface pathological change group(P0.01),The blood plasma D-dimer,Hcy horizontal and the spatial clothing blood sugar,whole blood viscosity low cutting rate and the blood plasma viscosity present are related.Conclusion 2DM have the blood to congeal,and the filament solubility markup,And changes with the blood stream the change,Hcy advances is closely related,Therefore,when saccharification hemoglobin exceptionally,examines the D-dimer,Hcy,the blood stream changes jointly,the blood lipid are monitor the DM patient multi-internal organs(particularly eye,kidney,heart,blood vessel) the harm and the function failure important target.
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