
运行工况对膜生物反应器内EPS及污泥特性的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Operation Conditions on EPS and Sludge Properties in Membrane Bioreactor
摘要 采用自行设计的浸没式膜生物反应器(Submerged Membrane Bioreactor,SMBR)处理模拟生活污水,研究污泥负荷Ns,曝气量及pH值等运行参数对反应器混合液中胞外聚合物(Extracellular PolymericSubstances,EPS)及污泥特性的影响,并对EPS与污泥特性的相关性进行了探讨分析.研究结果表明:污泥负荷或曝气量的提高会降低EPS总量以及多糖的含量,pH值的提高会同时提高多糖以及蛋白质的含量;EPS与Zeta电位存在正相关性,相关系数R2>0.97;以pH值为运行参数时,pH值对污泥特性的表征性优于EPS. Submerged membrane bioreactor(SMBR) was used to treat domestic wastewater.The influences of operation conditions(sludge burthen,aeration,pH value,etc) on the extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) and sludge properties in the reactor were investigated respectively,and the relation between EPS and sludge properties were discussed.The experiment results showed that EPS and amylase will decrease as burthen Ns or aeration increases,and amylose and protein sludge will increase as pH value increases.There was positive correlation between Zeta potential and EPS,with correlation coefficient R20.97;pH was a better operation parameter than EPS to indicate the sludge properties.
出处 《中北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期183-188,共6页 Journal of North University of China(Natural Science Edition)
基金 上海市中新国际合作项目(042307013)
关键词 浸没式膜生物反应器 运行工况 胞外聚合物 污泥特性 submerged membrane bioreactor operation conditions extracellular polymeric substances sludge properties
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