
富营养化与温度因素对太湖藻类生长的影响研究 被引量:19

Study of Effects of Eutrophication and Temperature on Algal Growth in Taihu Lake
摘要 为了研究气候变暖和富营养化对湖泊水生态系统的影响,应用阿列纽斯方程修正的Monod生长模型定量研究长期以来太湖藻类生物量与营养元素和温度的关系。研究表明,在近年来的富营养化状况下,年均气温每增加1.0℃,年均藻类生物量增加0.145倍。湖泊富营养化越严重,年平均气温对藻类生长的影响就越大,由此可以定量评估和预测年均气温升高和水体富营养化对水生态系统的影响。 To know how global warming and eutrophication affect water ecosystems,the long relation of algal biomass in Taihu Lake with both nutrients and temperature has been studied quantitatively by Mode multiplicative growth model modified by incorporating Arrhenius equation.The fitted results suggest that annual mean algal biomass increases by 0.145 times when annual mean AT increases by 1.0℃.The more eutrophic the lakes are,the more effects on the algal growth AT has.Subsequently,the long-term joint effect of annual temperature increase and eutrophication on the water ecosystems can be quantitatively assessed and predicted.
出处 《环境监控与预警》 2011年第2期1-4,共4页 Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning
基金 国家"十一五"水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项项目(2009ZX07101-015)
关键词 湖泊 富营养化 水华 全球变暖 lake eutrophication algal bloom global warming
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