概括介绍了国内外在XLPE/PE 电缆上进行0 .1 Hz 超低频(VLF) 试验的研究成果,指出用直流电压对XLPE/PE 电缆进行耐压试验是不合适和不安全的,主要表现在直流电压对发现XLPE/PE电缆绝缘缺陷的不灵敏和过高的直流电场对电缆带来的不必要的进一步的损伤。介绍了哈尔滨理工大学和哈尔滨电业局合作研制的0 .1 Hz 超低频高压试验系统。
The achievements in researches on test of XLPE/PE cables using a 0.1 Hz very low frequency (VLF) method at home and abroad are reviewed and the drawbacks and harms in connexion with doing a voltage test by using DC voltage are pointed out. The main reason is DC voltage is not sensitive enough to find the existing insulation defaults in XLPE/PE cables, and furthermore, unnecessary damages are caused by a very high DC electric field. A 0.1Hz VLF high voltage system is developed through the coorperation of Harbin University of Science and Technology and Harbin Power Administration.