介绍了ACM—Ⅱ密度自动控制固井水泥混浆系统的工作原理、结构及性能特点。该系统主要包括高能混合器和密度计算机自动控制两个部分。高能混合器的特点是, 下灰阀旋转角度与下灰量呈直线比例, 混合能力为2m3/min, 混浆均匀, 水泥浆密度为1 ~2-5g/cm3 。采用非放射源密度计, 管理方便, 反应速度快, 精度高。密度计算机自动控制系统可保证水泥浆密度的精确控制, 又能最大限度地克服混浆槽与柱塞泵排出口水泥浆密度的时间差, 手动与自动切换方便, 固井质量可靠, 管理维护方便。这种固井混浆系统可用于车装、橇装水泥泵, 也可单独组成混浆单元橇。试验和应用均获得满意效果。
The working principle, design features and performance characteristics of Model ACM Ⅱ slurry mixing system with density control apparatus are introduced. The slurry mixing system is comprised of high energy mixer and density automatic control apparatus. By adopting the density automatic control apparatus, the slurry density can be precisely controlled to ensure reliable well cementing. The slurry mixing system can be used on truck mounted or skid mounted cementing equipment, and can also be combined into a single slurry mixing skid. Satisfactory effects have been achieved in test and application.
China Petroleum Machinery