
分布式超级节点选举算法 被引量:2

Algorithm for distributed super-node election
摘要 基于超级节点的分布式系统中,若超级节点失效或临时离开,希望系统能够自组织地选举出能力最强的节点作为新的超级节点。提出分布式超级节点选举算法,通过洪泛过程构造底层的生成树,叶子节点沿此树进行消息的传递,消息中包含着关于节点和边的信息,根节点根据这些信息构造最小生成树。根节点选出能力最强的节点作为超级节点,并沿着最小生成树广播选举结果。对算法性能从通信复杂度和时间复杂度两方面进行了分析和比较。 In super-node-based distributed systems,if super-node failures or temporarily leaves,it is hoped that the most capa- ble node could be elected as new super-node in self-organization way.This paper presents distributed super-node election algo- rithm.It firstly constructs bottom spanning tree through process of flooding,and then leaf nodes pass messages along this tree. Information about nodes and edges is contained in the messages,which are used by root node to construct minimum span- ning tree(MST).At last,root node selects the most capable node as new super-node and broadcasts election results along MST.The algorithm performance is analyzed and compared from aspects of communication complexity and time complexity
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第14期4-6,41,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金No.60872055 教育部博士点基金项目(No.20030290003)~~
关键词 分布式 超级节点 领导人选举 生成树 最小生成树 distributed super-node leader electing spanning tree minimum spanning tree
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