室内条件下,观察了中华甲虫蒲螨Pyemotes zhonghuajia对替代寄主和自然寄主的寄生选择性,比较了不同寄主繁殖的蒲螨发育情况,蒲螨后代的生物学差异。结果表明,中华甲虫蒲螨最喜好的是替代寄主麦蛾Sitotroga cerealella和自然寄主台湾狭天牛Stenhomalus taiwanus,选择系数分别为0.6743和0.6493,差异不显著;其次为多毛小蠹虫Scolytus seulensis和玉米象Sitophilus zeamais,选择系数分别为0.5006和0.4619,差异不显著,但前一组的选择系数显著高于后一组。通过对单头蒲螨发育和生物学特性观察,替代寄主麦蛾、玉米象与自然寄主台湾狭天牛、多毛小蠹虫繁殖蒲螨从接螨至开始产后代历期分别为6.8、7.9、7.4、7.8d;最大膨腹体直径分别为0.9871、0.9243、0.9662、0.9423mm;每雌产后代雌螨数分别为109.6、105.5、130.3、115.9头,雌雄性比分别为24.6∶1、22.7∶1、27.4∶1、22.8∶1;后代雌螨爬行速度分别为5.51、5.20、5.89、5.34cm.min-1;单头蒲螨杀死供试寄主多毛小蠹虫幼虫数量分别为9.3、9.3、9.2、9.6头。差异显著性分析表明,除寄主麦蛾繁殖蒲螨完成1代所需时间显著短于其它寄主外,用替代寄主与自然寄主多毛小蠹虫繁殖的蒲螨在其他方面差异均不显著。因此麦蛾幼虫和玉米象幼虫作为中华甲虫蒲螨替代寄主是可行的。
Chinese beetle mite(Pyemotes zhonghuajia) is a new species,which was first discovered in China and has broad application prospects.In this experiment,preference of P.zhonghuajia for and development on substitute and natural hosts were investigated,as well as the development of the mites reared by different hosts.Results showed that the most favorite hosts for P.zhonghuajia were larvae of Sitotroga cerealella,the substitute host,and Stenhomalus taiwanus,the natural host,with selection coefficient of 0.6743 and 0.6493,respectively. The second favorite hosts were Scolytus seulensis and Sitophilus zeamai,with selection coefficient of 0.5006 and 0.4619,respectively.The selection coefficient of the first group was significantly higher than that of the second group,though no difference was observed within each group.When the mites were reared by substitute hosts of S.cerealella,S.zeamais and natural hosts of S.seulensis,S.taiwanus,duration from inoculation to offspring production was 6.8,7.9,7.4,7.8 d,respectively;maximum expanding abdomen diameter of the female mite was 0.9871,0.9243,0.9662,0.9423 mm,respectively;number of the female offspring per mother was 109.6,105.5,130.3,115.9,respectively;crawling speed was 5.51,5.20,5.89,5.34 cm·min-1,respectively;and number of the hosts killed by per mite was 9.3,9.3,9.2,9.6,respectively.Generation duration of the mite was significantly shorter when reared on S.cerealella than on other hosts, but no difference was observed in other characteristic of the mite reared with either natural hosts or substitute hosts.Thus,it is recommended that larvae of S.cerealella and S.zeamais could be used as substitute hosts for mass rearing P.zhonghuajia.
Chinese Journal of Biological Control
Pyemotes zhonghuajia
substitute hosts
natural hosts