城市道路沥青混凝土路设计时,经常遇到设计纵坡小于0.3%,按规范要求必须设置锯齿形偏沟,过去设置的锯齿形偏沟宽度为1.5 m,给沥青路面的施工带来困难。根据《城镇道路路面设计规范》(征求意见稿)中相关要求和以往经验,该文剖析了过去城市道路沥青混凝土路面设计中,设置的锯齿形偏沟存在的问题,并根据征求意见稿的意见,进行城市道路设计中锯齿形偏沟的设计。
The design longitudinal slop less than 0.3% is often used in the design of urban road asphalt concrete pavement. It must be to set up the saw-teeth bias ditch according to the criterion requirements. The width of this ditch was 1.5 m before,which brings the difficulty for the construction of the asphalt pavement. Based on the relative requirements and the experience in Design Criterion for Town Road Pavements(a draft for discussing),the article analyzes the problems existing in setting up the saw-teeth bias ditch in the design of urban road asphalt concrete pavement before,and based on the comments of the draft for discussing,designs the saw-teeth ditch of urban road.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control