

Chronological investigation of Baijixinjifang(New pharmacopoeia of Backjc)
摘要 [ 目的]《百济新集方》是东医最古医学文献之一.其方两首出自日本·丹波康赖撰《医心方》.本文就界定其问世年代为目的.[ 方法]《医心方》录有的《百济新集方》分别为黄耆治肺痈方、菊花治疔肿毒气入心欲困死方.在中医文献中考察这两首方,并以究其传播到百济的年代的方法进行.[ 结果]《医心方》所录《百济新集方》的两首方,均是《肘后方》的基础上产生的方.梁·大同七年,百济遣使梁求过经疏及医工.梁代有《肘后方》等132 种医书.[ 结论]《百济新集方》问世年代,是相当于梁·大同七年至隋开国之前的百济圣王明衤农十九年( 公元541 年) 至威得王昌二十七年( 公元580 年) 间. OBJECTIVE Baijixinjifang(百济新集方 New pharmacopoeia of Baekje)is the oldest medical books of the Eastern(Korean)physicians.Two prescriptions from this phrmacopoeia were cited in Yixinfang(医心方 Japanese pharmacopoeia)compiled by Tamba Yasuyori(丹波康赖).The objective of this article is to infer the date of the Gaolijixinjifang. METHODS The prescriptions of the new pharmacopoeia of Baekje citeded in Japanese pharmacopoeia are Huangqizhifeiyongfang(Prescription for treatment of pulmonary abscess with milkvetch root)and Juhuazhidingzhongduqiruxinyukunsifang(Prescription for treatment of fatal case of tumor whose toxin affected heart with chrysanthcmum) .The research will be conducted by searching ancient Chinese medical literatures with reference to the two prescriptions,and by infering the period of their transmission to Baekje. RESULT These two prescriptions from the Baijixinjifang as recorded in Yixinfang of Japan are both basically formulated based on Zhouhoufang(肘后方 Emergency prescription handbook. It is a known fact that the Kingdom of Liang (梁)in the seventh year of Datong (大同)of Liang seeked Confucian canons and physicians,and that there were hundreds of medical books including the Zhouhoufang during the period.CONCLUSION Thus the publication date of Baijixinjifang could be inferred sometime between Liang's 7th year of Datong and the period before the establishment of Shui empire,or between the 19ht year Myongnong(明)during the reign of Backje;s king Song (圣王)[541 A.D and the 27th year of king Widud's reign.
作者 蔡正德
出处 《延边大学医学学报》 CAS 1999年第3期230-234,共5页 Journal of Medical Science Yanbian University
关键词 医学史 医学 东方传统 百济新集方 history of medicine medicine,oriental tradiotional BAI JI XIN JI FANG
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