The feasibility of pilot-scale manufacture of defined fungal starter and its application in rice wine production from different local starchy materials were investigated. Starter consisting of Arnylomyces rouxii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae gave high performance in winemaking when prepared in conditions of rice flour 80% and cassava flour 20% with 4 incubation days. The starter level at 20% was favourably employed for manufacture with the initial amount of I0 kg mixed-flours, Dry starter granules which were vacuum packed could adapt ambient temperature (approx. 28-32℃) during 8 months of storage. The defined starter performed as superior inoculum for winemaking from different agricultural starchy resources. The undesirable bacteria were found at approx. 2 Log CFU/g of dry starter. By morphology, biochemical and physiological growth and the genetic partial 16S analyses, three bacterial isolates were characterized as Bacillus subtilis/amvloliquefaciens which may contaminate tbod but not cause food poisoning and not considered as a human pathogen.