
环境中低水平放射性核素测量技术的进展 被引量:1

Progress on Measurement Technology of Low-level Radionuclides in the Environment
摘要 根据2009年11月"低水平放射性核素测量及其在地球科学与环境科学中应用"国际专题讨论会的内容和近年来的文献资料,介绍并评述了环境中低水平放射性核素测量技术的进展,包括:建造地下实验室,用普通γ谱仪、α谱仪和质谱技术测量低水平放射性核素,以及低水平放射性核素分离和测量方法的基础性研究。 A workshop,"International Workshop on Low-level Measurement of Radionuclides and Its Application to Earth and Environmental Sciences" held in Japan 2009.The workshop and related literature published in recent years are introduced in this paper.The progress on measurement technology of low-level radionuclides in the environment is reviewed.It included that construction of underground laboratories,measurement of radionuclides by gamm-ray spectrometer and alpha-ray spectrometer,mass measurement of low-level radionuclides by mass spectrometry,as well as basic study on methods of separation and measurement of low-level radionuclides.
作者 沙连茂
出处 《辐射防护通讯》 2011年第1期1-9,共9页 Radiation Protection Bulletin
关键词 低水平放射性核素 测量技术 地下实验室 质谱仪 放化分离 Low-level radionuclides Measurement technology Underground laboratories MS Radiochemical separation
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