
全国学人民解放军的缘起 被引量:1

Origin of the Movement "The Whole Nation Learns from the People’s Liberation Army"
摘要 本文认为全国学人民解放军运动的发生,有着一个缓慢的酝酿过程。20世纪50年代后期,中国共产党在探索符合中国国情的社会主义建设道路上遇到严重困难,通过各种因素调动人民群众建设社会主义的积极性,人民解放军的表现引起了当时社会各个层面的关注。在这个时代背景下,毛泽东根据形势需要和顺应群众呼声,发出"向解放军学习"的号召。 This paper holds that there was a slow and long process of brewing before the movement "The whole nation learns from the People's Liberation Army" was launched. In the late 1950s when the Chinese Communists encountered serious difficulties in their efforts to explore the road of socialism in line with China' s national conditions and in the Party' s endeavor to bring into full play the initiative of the masses so that they would throw themselves into the socialist construction the outstanding performance of the People' s Liberation Army drew attention from all quarters of the society. Against this background, out of the need of the situation and in conformity with the voice of the people Mao Zedong issued the call that "The whole nation learns from the People' s Liberation Army. "
作者 于兴卫
出处 《中共党史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期79-86,共8页 CPC History Studies
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