
论物质循环法律责任——欧盟模式与美国模式之比较 被引量:3

Legal Responsibility of Circular Economy:Comparative Study of European Union Mode and US Mode
摘要 循环经济的推进有赖于物质循环法律责任的确定和履行,当前物质循环法律责任主要可分为欧盟模式和美国模式。欧盟的生产者延伸责任模式强调了生产者的义务但忽略了责任的分担问题;美国的产品全程管理模式虽然突出了责任的分担,但缺乏责任的具体指定,容易导致所有人的责任成为实际上没有人承担责任的情况。适当的物质循环法律责任应当选取兼具二者长处的以生产者为主的共同责任模式。 Promotion of circular economy relies on the distribution and implementation of legal responsibility of circular economic, which is mainly divided into the European Union mode and the US mode. The European Union mode focused on producer's responsibility while neglected responsibilities should be shared by stakeholders. The US mode put emphasis on shared responsibilities but did not make the distribution of responsibilities clear, which usually ted into an Everybody's Responsibility Is Nobody's Responsibility situation. The reasonable legal responsibility of circular economic should be a common but producer - focused responsibility mode which adopts both strengths of the European Union and US mode. process
作者 胡苑
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2011年第7期131-134,共4页 East China Economic Management
基金 国家社科基金项目"环境法视阈下城市‘垃圾围城’问题的法律治理研究"(10CFX013) 上海市教委和上海市教育发展基金会"晨光计划"项目"环境法上的产品导向型责任研究"(09CG32) 上海市教委"上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金"项目"城市废物危机的环境法对策研究"
关键词 物质循环 法律责任 生产者延伸责任 产品全程管理 circular economy legal responsibility extended producer responsibility product management in whole
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