
基于SIP+P2P系统的多业务流分离传输方案 被引量:1

Separated multi streams transmitting method based on SIP+P2P system
摘要 针对多业务媒体流传输的QoS问题,提出了一种分离传输方案。该方案基于SIP+P2P系统,利用系统提供的路径多样性,为每种媒体流分别选择路径传输并分离地进行切换。该方案将多个媒体流分布于多样性的路径中,减少了带宽对路径质量的影响。分别进行了仿真和实际网络测试,结果表明该方案比原来的单路径传输方法进一步提高了路径质量,能够有效地改善多业务流传输服务质量。 A separated multiple media traffics transmitting method was proposed to solve the QoS problem of multi-service streaming. Based on SIP+P2P system, this method leveraged path diversity, selected different paths for each media stream, and switched path separately. By distributing multiple media streams into different single paths which had path diversity, this approach eliminated the affect on path quality introduced by high throughput media traffic. The NS2 simulation and real network test results show that the approach than the original single-path transmission method could further improve the quality of the path, and could effectively improve the service quality of multi-service streaming.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期82-88,共7页 Journal on Communications
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(N100204003)~~
关键词 IP通信技术 统一通信 多业务流QoS问题 分离传输 IP communication EolP QoS problem of multi-service streaming separated transmitting
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