
心理认知计算的研究现状及发展趋势 被引量:13

Research and Development of Cognitive Computing in Mind
摘要 心理认知计算是智能化人机交互技术的一个重要组成部分,近年来得到广泛的关注.文中综述国内外心理认知计算的研究进展.首先介绍心理认知计算的相关概念,详细叙述心理状态理解的研究内容和机制.其次总结心理认知的神经生物学研究成果,对心理情感状态和心理认知状态的研究现状进行了比较,从模式提取和模型建立两方面对心理认知在人机交互中的发展趋势作了分析,提出多模态信息融合的多层级心理状态视觉认知计算模型框架.最后讨论研究心理认知计算的重要意义和当前存在的主要困难. Cognitive computing in mind is an important part of intelligent human-computer interaction ( HCI), which attracts increasing attention from researchers in recent years. The development of the research advances at home and abroad is surveyed. Firstly, the conceptions correlated to cognitive computing in mind are introduced, and then the mechanisms and research contents in mind-reading are described in detail. Secondly, main neurobiological achievements of mental cognition are summarized and the research status of cognitive state in mind is compared to affective state. Moreover, the application trends of mental cognition in HCI are analyzed from the aspects of model establishment and mode extraction. Then, the primary frame of vision cognitive computing model of mental state with multi-level and multi-mode information fusion is put forward. The existing problems and the significance of cognitive computing in mind are finally discussed.
出处 《模式识别与人工智能》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期215-225,共11页 Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
基金 国家863计划资助项目(No.2007AA04Z218) 国家自然科学基金项目(No.60903067)资助
关键词 心理状态理解 认知计算 视觉 人机交互 Mind-reading, Cognitive Computing, Vision, Human-Computer Interaction
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