The specialists point that,inflation is common in the process of economic recovery,and there is no signs that the economic will be out of control. So we don’t need to be so worried. Moreover the inflation sometimes can also be caused by the panic mentality so we should have the right attitude and enhance our vigilance. In the prediction of He Maochun,the imported inflation problem which our country confronted now will be continued. It is not realistic to control the global inflation and cut it down. so the way we should do is to face and get used to the inflation,get our economic developed under the inf lation,not only rely on the control of inf lation. Facing to the serious inflation,Buren Jolson think the commodities will be the good way to response the inflation. In addition,Inf lation-protected bonds and the currency of the Emerging Markets and resource producing countries can also be cared under the background of inflation.
Shanghai Economy