
不同IRT模型在生活取向测验修订版中的适用性比较 被引量:3

The Comparison of Different IRT Models on Revised Life Orientation Test
摘要 为比较拓广等级展开模型、等级反应模型和拓广分部评分模型在生活取向测验修订版上的模型-数据拟合差异及项目参数估计值和标准误差的差异,选取2个学校的大一新生(3 864人)进行分析,采用单项目、两项目对和三项目组校正χ2/df检验3个模型的模型-数据的拟合,采用边际极大似然方法估计项目参数值及其标准误差.结果发现拓广等级展开模型的模型-数据拟合优于其它2个模型,但该模型的项目参数估计值及其标准误差显得并不是很合理,提示需要对该模型开展更深入的研究. In order to compare the model-data fit and item parameter estimates of generalized graded unfolding model,graded response model,and generalized partial credit model,3 864 freschmans who came from two universitys were selected.Model-data fit were examined by adjusted χ2/df ratios of item singles,item pairs,and item triples.Item parameters and their standard errors were estimated through margin maximum likelihood method.The results displayed that the model-data fit of generalized graded unfolding model were better than that of other two models,but the item parameter estimates of the former were irreasonable,which indicated that futher studies will be needed in the future.
出处 《江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期216-220,共5页 Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 江西省高校人文社会科学研究规划基金(XL1001)资助项目
关键词 拓广等级展开模型 等级反应模型 拓广分部评分模型 模型-数据拟合 边际极大似然方法 generalized graded unfolding model graded response model generalized partial credit model model-data fit margin maximum likelihood method
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