
共享领导与团队知识共享的关系研究——基于交互记忆系统的视角 被引量:11

Research on Relationship between Shared Leadership and Knowledge Sharing in Teams——Based on the View of Transaction Memory System
摘要 组织越来越趋于团队工作模式,更高的团队绩效依赖于团队中的知识共享。而共享领导和交互记忆系统(transactive memory system,TMS)是影响团队知识共享的两大重要因素。探讨了共享领导、TMS和团队知识共享之间的关系,并提出了假设模型。认为TMS在共享领导和团队知识共享之间起中介作用,共享领导对TMS具有正向促进作用,并直接和间接通过TMS正向影响团队知识共享,为建设高绩效团队提供理论指导。 Team works are popular in a organization, a better team performance depends on the knowledge sharing in teams. The two important factors that affect the knowledge sharing in teams are shared leadership and transaction memory system (TMS). The relationships among shared leadership, TMS and knowledge sharing in teams are discussed and the hy- potheses are followed. The results show that the TMS plays a mediator role between sharing leadership and knowledge sha- ring in team, shared leadership has a positive promotion on TMS and through which positively direct and indirect affecting knowledge sharing in teams, which are theoretical guidance for constructing high performance teams.
作者 林筠 闫小芸
出处 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2011年第10期133-137,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 西安市软科学基金项目(YF07202-08) 西安理工大学校博士启动基金(210901)
关键词 共享领导 交互记忆系统 团队知识共享 shared leadership transaction memory system knowledge sharing in teams
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