
中国四大名菊的产地适宜性研究 被引量:4

Evaluation on Regional Suitability of Four Famous Chrysanthemum Morifolium
摘要 目的:明确四大名菊的重要生态因子,分析其在中国的适宜生长区域,为四大名菊的引种扩种以及合理规划生产布局提供参考;方法:本文综合实地采样、标本查阅和文献研究结果,应用ArcGIS和气候数据库提取各样点生态因子,得出四大名菊适宜的生态因子范围,并以此为依据应用中药材产地适宜性分析平台(TCMGIS-Ⅱ)对四大名菊的生态适宜区进行分析。结果:系统分析表明:滁菊、怀菊适宜区域面积较大,分布较广,其次为毫菊,杭菊的适宜区域最小。滁菊生态相似度95%~100%的区域主要分布于安徽、江苏、湖北等8个省(市)215个县(市),总适宜面积为139046.4km^2。其中安徽适宜面积和占县(市)比例最大(适宜面积50026.9km^2,占县(市)比例36%,下同),其次为江苏(36805.5km^2,36%)、湖北(30986.8km^2,17%)、河南(12609.1km^2,8%)和湖南(4398.8km^2,2%);怀菊生态相似度95%~100%的区域主要分布于河南、山东、陕西等9个省(市),总适宜面积为218502.2km^2,其中以河南适宜面积最大(80110.5km^2,49%),其次为山东(73897.3km^2,48%)、陕西(21293.5km^2,10%)、江苏(14709.9km^2,15%)和山西(11224.2km^2,7%);相比滁菊和怀菊,毫菊的适宜面积较小,生态相似度95%~100%的适宜面积仅42765.5km^2,包括4个省72个县(市),依次为安徽(23286.9km^2,17%)、河南(10212.4km^2,6%)、江苏(9196.3km^2,9%);杭菊生态相似度95%~100%的适宜面积毫菊相当,为42099.6km^2,分布较零散,包括10个省(市)207个县(市)。其中以浙江适宜面积最大。结论:本系统分析结果在涵盖四大名菊原有产区分布的基础上,适宜区有了较大扩展,分析出了很多新的适宜区域,通过实地考察和田间试验,这些区域很有可能发展成为四大名菊潜在的适生区,对四大名菊资源的可持续利用、引种栽培和科学区划都具有重要的意义。 This study aimed to investigate the comprehensive ecological factors of four famous kinds of Chrysanthemum morifolium (i. e. Chuju, Huaiju, Boju and Hangju) and their regional suitability in China. Based on field survey, specimen examination and literature investigation, ecological factors and appropriate production area were analyzed by Traditional Chinese Medicine Geographic Information System (TCMGIS-II). The results showed that the suitable region for Chuju and Huaiju is the largest and that for Hangju is the smallest. The proper region (with similarity of 95% -100% ) of Chuju accounts for 139046.4 km^2, including eight provinces/municipalities and 215 counties/cities. The largest area among them is Anhui province with area of 50026.9 km^2, followed by Jiangsu ( 36805.5 km^2 ), Hubei ( 30986.8 km^2 ), Henan ( 12609.1 kmz ) and Hunan (4398.8 km^2 ) province. The appropriate region of Huaiju, which shares the similarity of 95% -100% , accounts for 218502.2 km^2 and includes 9 provinces/municipalities, such as Henan, Shandong, Shanxi province, etc. The largest area for Huaiju is Henan 80110. 5 km^2) province, followed by Shandong (73897. 3 km^2), Shaanxi (21293. 5km^2 ), Jiangsu 14709.9krn2) and Shanxi (11224.2km^2) province. The suitable region (with similarity of 95%-100% ) of Boju covers 4 provinces and 72 cities/counties with the area of 42765.5km^2, including Anhui ( 23286.9 km^2 ), Henan ( 10212.4 km^2) and Jiangsu (area 9196.3 km^2) province. The distribution of Hangju is the most scattered, including 10 provinces/municipalities and 207 counties/cities and its total area is only 42099.6 km^2. The largest area for Hangju is Zhejiang province. It is concluded that the suitable area in this study completely covered the original distribution of four famous kinds of Chrysanthemum morifolium and a number of new suitable areas were found. Through further field study and experiments, these new areas have the potential to be developed into suitable production region of Chrysanthemum morifolium in the future.
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 2011年第2期332-339,共8页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 科学技术部国家"十一五"科技支撑计划项目(2006BAI21B07):中药材引种适宜产地评价方法及模式研究 负责人:宋经元
关键词 菊花 产地适宜性 生态因子 TCMGIS-Ⅱ Chrysanthemum morifolium, ecological suitability, climatic factors, TCMGIS-II
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