

The Different Syndrome Treatment Relationships between Facial Zang and Fu Meridian Composition,Facial Color and Chloasma
摘要 目的:研究颜面脏腑分属、经络循行、色度浅深与黧黑斑的证治关系。方法:以《内经》有关颜面脏腑经络理论为依归,结合笔者的临床经验进行探索。结果:脏腑分属:以鼻为中心,则眉间属肺,鼻柱属肝,鼻准属脾,鼻翼属胃,沿鼻柱两侧至颊部,依次为胆、小肠、大肠、肾,上唇属膀胱、胞宫。经络循行:额部有足阳明、足太阳、手足少阳、足厥阴经;鼻部有手足阳明、手足太阳经;唇周有手足阳明、足厥阴经、冲任督脉;颊部有手足阳明、手太阳、手足少阳、足厥阴经、冲任督脉;颞部有足阳明、手太阳、手足少阳经。色度浅深:与脏腑气血、湿浊、瘀血、光热、燥涩等因素密切相关。笔者据此并结合全身症状、体征,包括经带孕产等,将本病分为胞宫失常、冲任损伤、肝气郁结、精血不足、肾阳亏虚、脾胃不调、浊热内盛、风热袭面等证型进行辨证治疗。结论:这一研究结果丰富了黧黑斑的诊疗内涵。 Objective:To study the different syndrome treatment relationships between facial Zang and Fu composition, travelling of meridians and collaterals, facial color and ehloasma. Method:The study is based on "NeiJing" theory which is about facial Zang and Fu meridian combined with author's clinical experiences. Restdts:Zang and Fu composition: To make the nose as the center, then the middle eyebrow belongs to lung, nose clumn belongs to liver, Apex Nasi belongs to spleen, both sides of the nose belongs to stomach, along column on both sides of the nose to check, followed by gall blad- der, small intestine, large intestine, and kidney. Upper lip is belonged to bladder, uterus. Distribution of the meridians and collaterals: there are Foot - Yangming meridian, Foot - Taiyang meridian, Hand - Foot - Shaoyang meridians, Food -Jueyin meridian on the forehead; there are Hand - Foot - Yangming meridians, Hand - Food - Taiyang meridians on the nose; there are Hand - Food - Yangming meridians, Foot - Jueyin meridian, Chong meridian, Ren me6dian, Du me- ridian around lip; there are Hand - Foot - Yangming meridians, Hand - Taiyang meridian, Hand - Food - Shaoyang me- ridians, Food -Jueyin meridian, Chong meridian, Ren meridian, Du meridian on both sides of check; there are Foot- Yangming meridian, Hand -Taiyang meridian, Hand -Foot -Shaoyang meridians on temporal division. Color deeper: It is closely related to the Zang and Fu, Qi and Blood, Damp -pathogen, blood stasis, light and heat,dryness and the other factors. Accordingly, the uterus disorders, Chong and Ren damage, liver Qi stagnation, essence and blood deficiency, kidney- yang deficiency, spleen and stomach disorder, turbid heat which exist deeply in interior, wind -heat attacking of lung ete were divided by the author which combined with systemic symptoms including menstruation, leukorrhea, infant and delivery and so on. Conclusion :The results of the study enrich the connotation of ehloasma.
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2011年第5期964-966,共3页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 黧黑斑 诊断 中医药疗法 Chloasma diagnosis Chinese medicine treatment
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