
滨湖道路减少面源污染的绿色工程措施研究——以武汉东湖环湖路为例 被引量:4

Green engineering measures on descending non-point source pollution of lake waterfront roads:a case study of the road around East Lake in Wuhan
摘要 首先梳理了国外雨水污染管理的研究进展及其主要的生态措施,然后针对用地有限且环境景观要求高的武汉东湖风景名胜区中的环湖路路面雨水污染防治的绿色工程措施进行了研究。通过因地制宜的绿色工程措施手段:透水路面、植草沟、沙石盲沟、滨水绿地、植物驳岸、雨水收集池达到吸附、降解环湖路滨水路段的雨水污染;最后提出结合交通管理、倡导人们绿色出行等非工程措施手段,减少环湖路机动车通行,降低滨湖路路面雨水的面源污染。 After a general review of the ecological measures of rainwater pollution in foreign countries,the paper studies the green engineering measures on the Round Road with limited land area and high landscape requirements in East Lake.This paper points out that it can decrease and absorb the road surface rainwater pollution by green engineering measures consistent with site conditions,such as permeable pavements,grass ditches,gravel blind ditches,waterfront green lands,plants revetment,rainwater collection pools,and that it can also decrease road surface rainwater pollution by non-engineering measures,such as traffic management,green travel so as to reduce motor vehicle traffic on waterfront roads.
作者 殷利华 万敏
出处 《山东建筑大学学报》 2011年第1期61-66,共6页 Journal of Shandong Jianzhu University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51078159)
关键词 面源污染 绿色工程措施 滨湖道路 雨洪管理 路面雨水 non-point source pollution green engineering measures lake waterfront road stormwater management road surface rainwater
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