

The Relationship between the United States and Iran under the Strategy of "Third Power Diplomacy" and Its Impact on World War Ⅱ
摘要 长期以来,地处中东战略要地的伊朗一直是大国利益的交汇点。在二战期间,轴心国和同盟国都力争伊朗,巴列维政府再次提出了"第三国外交"战略,在战争初期引进德国势力失败后,又引进美国势力,最终取得了成功,保卫了伊朗的独立、主权和领土完整。在伊朗引进美国势力期间,美伊之间开展了紧密合作,伊朗配合盟军的军事行动,并在运送盟国对苏联的战略物资方面发挥了重大的作用,为二战的胜利作出了巨大的贡献,也对战后的国际形势产生了重大影响。 Because of its important strategic location in Middle East,Iran has been the intersection of the interests of big powers.During World War II,Axis and Allies were striving to get Iran.The Pahlavi government again proposed a "third power diplomacy" strategy.After the failure of introducing the German forces,it introduced U.S.forces successfully at last,defending Iran's independence,sovereignty and territorial integrity.During the introduction of U.S.forces in Iran,there existed close cooperation between Iran and U.S.Iran cooperated with allied military operations and played an important role in the delivery of strategic materials to the Soviet Union,making great contribution to the victory of anti-fascist war.It also had a significant impact on postwar international situation.
作者 吴振君
出处 《黄石理工学院学报(人文社科版)》 2011年第2期61-64,共4页 Journal of Huangshi Institute of Technology:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 2009年度武汉大学世界史专业本科生科研项目"世界历史整体发展中的社会转型与文化变迁研究" 项目编号:112-271077
关键词 “第三国外交” 美伊关系 二战 third power diplomacy the U.S.and Iran relationship World War Ⅱ
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