
豆腐干类风味制品试制与质量控制技术的研究 被引量:2

Study on the Quality Control Technology of Dried Tofu Products
摘要 [目的]建立地方特色豆腐干制品常温非制冷保藏的技术。[方法]以生产过程中的减菌消毒措施降低起始菌数目,点浆环节加入优选的食品防腐剂,与熟制、真空包装6、0Coγ射线辐照加工相结合,进行综合控菌。[结果]将清洗、加热灭菌、防止二次污染以及消毒等减菌措施综合运用,可降低豆腐干产品的起始细菌数;如该类产品保质期只要求在常温下5 d之内,可采用在点浆工序中加入丙酸钙(2.5 g/kg)及实施真空包装即可;如保质期要求在常温下30 d,可采用剂量为6 kGy的60Coγ射线对其真空包装制品作辐照处理即可,而其熟制品在同样条件下可放置90 d,产品风味保持良好。[结论]控制起始菌技术与熟制、真空包装6、0Coγ射线辐照加工相结合,进行综合控菌,可实现豆腐干风味制品常温非制冷保藏90 d的目标。 [Objective] The technical system of the bean curd products with local feature preserved at room temperature was established.[Method] The number of the initial bacteria in the procedure of the preparation of bean curd products was reduced through the disinfection measures.The food preservative was added in the linkage of its solidifying.And also,the treatment of 60Co γ-ray radiation,the product cooked and vacuum package were comprehensively used.[Results] The integrated measure including the product's clean,sterilization by heat and disinfection to prevent it from secondary pollution was used in whole preparation procedure in order to reduce the number of initial bacteria.The calcium propionate of 2.5 g/kg was added in the linkage of its solidifying and then the product was packed under the condition of vacuum if the shelf-life of the product was regulated only within 5 days at room temperature.The vacuum packed products should be treated by 60Co γ-ray with the dose of 6 kGy if the shelf-life of the product was regulated only within 30 days at room temperature and the shelf-life of the cooked products in vacuum package could be preserved for 90 days after it was treated by 60Co γ-ray with the dose of 6 kGy,which could maintain the good and special taste.[Conclusion] The special style of dried tofu products could be preserved for 90 days at room temperature based on the application of the technical system including the control of initial bacteria number,cooked treatment,vacuum package,60Co γ-ray radiation.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第13期7718-7720,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 豆腐干 风味制品 菌落总数 真空包装 食品防腐剂 辐照 保质期 White dried tofu Flavor product Aerobic bacterial count Vacuum package Food preservative Irradiation Shelf life
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