目的调查上海部分综合医院和精神卫生中心自杀未遂者的自杀行为特征和相关因素,为制定自杀预防及干预措施提供依据。方法使用自编的自杀未遂者调查登记表对就诊于急诊和门诊的自杀未遂者进行调查,数据输入SPSS统一分析。结果 363例自杀未遂者中女性245(67%)与男性118(33%)的比例为2:1。平均年龄33±16.8岁,以青壮年为主。自杀方式:摄入药物或其他化学物质最常见(71%),其次是坠楼和割腕(各6%)。其他方法(占16.5%)为:煤气(14例),自缢(11例),溺水(11例),酒精过量(27例)。38.4%的个案符合精神科临床诊断,最常见为抑郁症和精神分裂症。结论自杀未遂女性明显多于男性;年龄以青壮年为主。就业问题和经济情况是导致自杀行为的主要因素。38.4%的自杀未遂者符合精神科诊断,建议在综合医院急诊提供精神科服务。
Objective This study aim was to establish a system of monitoring attempted suicide in five districts of Shanghai.Methods Data on a total of 363 cases were collected from four general hospitals and three mental health centers.Results The mean age of the patients was 33 years,67% being female.The majority lived with family,but conflicts within the family were frequent,most patients reported a poor economic situation.Ingesting drugs or other chemical substances was the main method used for self-harm.Conclusions Reasons for attempted suicide in these districts of Shanghai appear to be often related to family conflicts and unemployment.Continuous monitoring of attempted suicide in this urban area of China should be established and data collection improved in order to raise awareness in health professionals and to develop preventive measures geared towards the needs of these patients.
Journal Of International Psychiatry