
大连市焦虑障碍患病率研究 被引量:2

Prevalence of anxiety disorders in Dalian city
摘要 目的调查大连市18岁以上人群焦虑障碍的患病率和人群分布特点。方法采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,以复合性国际诊断交谈检查量表(CID I3.0)对大连市5059名≥18岁城乡居民进行了调查。结果焦虑障碍的患病率为1.30%,其中男性的患病率为1.10%,女性的患病率为1.50%,女性高于男性(p>0.01)。城乡间患病率无显著性差异。不同学历水平间的患病率存在差异,患病率随着学历的增高而下降;焦虑障碍的影响因素包括年龄、慢性共病、目前身体状况及目前精神状况。结论目前焦虑障碍已经成为重大公共卫生问题,患有慢性躯体疾病者,低文化程度群体是焦虑障碍的重点人群。 Objective To survey the prevalence and people distribution of anxiety disorders in general population over 18 years old in Dalian city.Methods 5059 urban and rural residents over 18 years old were selected with the multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method.The Composite International Diagnostic Interview examination(CIDI3.0)was used as the interview tool.Results The total prevalence of anxiety disorders was 1.30%,and there was no statistical difference between male and female(1.10% vs1.50%)(P0.01).There was no statistical difference between urban and rural areas.Prevalence was decreased in aged people and people with higher educational level.Conclusion The anxiety disorders have become a public health problem.People with poor health status and people with low educational level has the high risk suffering for the anxiety disorders.
出处 《国际精神病学杂志》 2011年第2期76-80,共5页 Journal Of International Psychiatry
关键词 焦虑障碍 患病率 流行学 Anxiety disorders Prevalence Epidemiology
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