
国企和谐民营化的归因模型:基于南钢股份和通钢股份的案例分析 被引量:7

An Attribution Model of Harmonious Privatization of State-owned Enterprises: Case Study on Nanjing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and Tonghua Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
摘要 为探究影响国企和谐民营化的要因,运用内容分析法提炼了案例公司民营化所涉及的主要利益相关者与环境竞争性。在此基础上,精炼出了个体战略意能、个体经济利益、个体职位保障和群体共有信念四个和谐要因,提出了"利益相关者行为在和谐要因对国企和谐民营化的影响中具有中介效应"与"和谐要因与国企和谐民营化具有内生性"两个命题,得到了"环境竞争性对和谐要因与利益相关者行为间的关系具有调节作用"与"环境竞争性对和谐要因与国企和谐民营化间的关系具有调节作用"两个推论,并据此构建了国企和谐民营化的归因模型。同时,总结出了国企和谐民营化是利益相关者博弈的均衡结果、国企和谐民营化的实质在于利益相关者关系和谐以及国企民营化应由"政府驱动"转向"经营者驱动"三个重要启示。上述研究在一定程度上丰富了国企民营化的相关理论。 Transition economy of the last thirty years indicates the privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has already been a main trend in reform. The reform of SOEs has enjoyed a significant success in macro-economy while disharmonies which are often hit in the newspaper indicate not so. Such contradictions and conflicts are involved not only in further deepening reform under disharmonies but also social stability. Therefore, how to perform the harmonious privatization of SOEs is a pressing issue in both theory and practice. Theoretical research on the harmonious privatization of SOEs is either on the influence of stakeholders or on how environment condi- tions influence stakeholders, which fail to keep up with the practice; moreover, most researches are theoretical analysis instead of thorough analysis on individual cases, implying researches on essential factors and mechanism are insufficient. Therefore, based on case study on Nanjing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd and Tonghua Iron and Steel Co., Ltd, the intrinsic mechanism among the essential factors, environmental competitiveness, stakeholder behaviors, and the harmonious privati- zation of SOEs are examined. In the first place, the content analysis method is adopted to explore the major stakeholders and environ- mental competitiveness. And then four essential factors, including individual strategic intent and ability, individual economic interest, individual job guarantee, and group common belief, are determined; two propositions: "stakeholder behaviors have mediator effect on the influence of harmonious essential factors on harmonious privatiza- tion of SOEs" and "endogeneity exists between harmonious essential factors and harmonious privatization of SOEs", are proposed, two conclusions: "environmental competitiveness has mediator effect between harmonious essential factors and stakeholder behaviors" and "environmental competitiveness has mediator effect between harmo- nious essential factors and harmonious privatization of SOEs", are drawn. Accordingly, an Attribution Model of Harmonious Privatiza- tion of SOEs is proposed. Moreover, three inspirations are provided, including the harmonious privatization of SOEs is the equilibrium of stakeholders' gaming, the essence is the harmony of stakeholders, and the privatization of SOEs should be driven by government instead of manager.
作者 王世权
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期102-113,共12页 Nankai Business Review
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(N090406001) 中国博士后特别资助项目(201003622)资助
关键词 利益相关者 国企民营化 案例研究 内容分析法 Stakeholder Privatization of SOEs Case Study ContentAnalysis Method
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