
从文本中学习本体的系统设计 被引量:2

Design of system of learning Ontology from texts
摘要 结合本体的定义及从文本中学习本体问题的特殊性,给出了一个本体结构的定义,在此基础上分析了本体学习问题,提出了系统的体系结构,之后给出了相关的学习算法,对聚类算法进行了改进,最后讨论了对学习结果的评价问题,设计了评价指标。 This paper analyzes the study of Ontology, based on the definition of Ontology and the particularities of learning Ontology from texts. Then, it gives the architecture of the system for learning Ontology. In addition, it discusses learning algorithms and provides an updated clustering method. At last, it puts forward some evaluation indicators for learning outcomes and designs two evaluating criterion.
出处 《河北工业科技》 CAS 2011年第3期160-163,共4页 Hebei Journal of Industrial Science and Technology
关键词 本体 本体学习 概念学习 Ontology study of Ontology study of concept
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