为了解决XML格式STEP-NC程序的译码问题,首先对遵守integrated_cnc_schema定义的语法规则的XML文档进行了详细研究,针对其内部的映射关系,采用面向对象的编程语言Visual C++,通过XML与VC++之间的DOM接口,生成了DOM文档树以完成译码,然后编程对文档树中的特征信息和工艺信息等进行提取,最后控制器再根据提取出的信息进行了刀具轨迹规划,并通过型腔特征的加工做了相关仿真验证,仿真结果证实了该设计的正确性与可行性。
Aiming at the decoding of STEP-NC program in XML format,detailed study was conducted as to the XML documents which comply with the grammar rules of integrated_cnc_schema.For its internal mapping,DOM document tree was generated by DOM interfaces between the XML and VC ++.After the completion of decoding,machining feature information and technology information of the document tree were extracted.Next,the tool path was planed by the controller according to the information extracted.Finally,through the processing of cavity characteristics,the simulation results prove the feasibility of the design successfully.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering