
含氢电极脉冲放电等离子体特性诊断 被引量:5

Diagnosis of plasmas generated by pulsed vacuum arc discharge at hydrogen impregnated electrodes
摘要 利用飞行时间质谱法诊断了含氢电极脉冲真空弧离子源放电等离子体成分、离子电荷状态及离子扩散速度等特性。实验结果表明,含氢电极脉冲真空弧离子源放电等离子体的离子成分主要由H+,Ti+,Ti2+和Ti3+组成,其中Ti2+占主要部分。当放电电流为40~80 A时,Ti离子的平均电荷数在1.95~2.13之间,随着放电电流的增大,平均电荷数也会增加。同时诊断了不同离子的扩散速度,其值均在104m/s量级,但不同离子的扩散速度有所不同。 Ion components,ion charge states and ion diffusion velocities of hydrogen-impregnated-electrode pulsed vacuum arc discharge plasmas were measured by time of flight(TOF) mass spectrometry.The results show that main components of the plasmas are H+,Ti+,and Ti2+,Ti3+,with Ti2+ predominating.The average ion charge of Ti ions is between 1.95 and 2.13 when the discharge current is between 40 A and 80 A,and it increases with the increasing of the discharge current.In addition,different ions have different diffusion velocities with a magnitude of 104 m/s.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1361-1364,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 中国工程物理研究院电子工程研究所科技创新基金项目(S20090802)
关键词 飞行时间 含氢电极 离子电荷 离子扩散速度 阴极斑 time of flight hydrogen impregnated electrode ion charge ion diffusion velocity cathode spot
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