以福清市区为研究区,对2007年市区商业样点进行筛选、剔除和修正后,采用全局和局部空间自相关方法分析市区商业地价空间格局及其成因.结果表明:(1)福清市区商业地价具有显著的相关性,存在必然的内在联系和分布规律;(2)根据空间自相关系数可将福清市区划分为核心区、过渡区和外围区;核心区内商业地价空间自相关系数介于0.2~0.6,空间相关性较强,该区商业地价普遍较高;过渡区的商业地价空间自相关系数在-0.2~0之间,空间相关性差;外围区商业地价空间自相关系数在0~0.2之间,空间相关性较差,商业地价普遍在1 000元/m2以下;(3)商业地价由核心区向外围区递减,在局部地区发生方向逆转,从核心区到过渡区地价梯度较大,衰减速度较快,从过渡区到外围区地价梯度较小,衰减速度较慢.经济区位、基础设施、交通情况、心理因素和宗地条件等方面的差异是造成商业地价空间不平衡的原因.
The history and the present situation of study on land price based on Statistical Analysis and GIS spatial analysis were briefly introduced and reviewed.Theory and practical significance of urban commercial land price distribution pattern was also introduced.Taking Fuqing as an example,the authors screened out,rejected and amended 2007′s urban commercial samples,and explored the spatial distribution of commercial land price and its cause of formation by using global and local spatial autocorrelation.Global spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that inevitable internal relations and regularity distribution exist in urban commercial land price.Local spatial autocorrelation research found that:Firstly,urban commercial land price has concentric space structure with single-center,which can be divided into core,transition and outlying regions.Secondly,land price is generally higher than other two regions,the correlation coefficients are strong in 0.2-0.6,and internal similarity and external difference are both large in the core region.Since in the transitional zone correlation coefficients are weak in-0.2-0,big differences exist in regional internal also between internal and external.Outlying areas,land price is lower than 1000 yuan per square meter,and the correlation coefficients are weak in 0-0.2,neither cluster trend nor exclusion trend.Thirdly,commercial land price has a certain continuity and obvious concentric,and attenuates from core region to outlying,except some places.Land price decreases morequickly from core to transition area than it from transition to outlying area.Fourthly,reasons that cause land price imbalance in different areas are complex,including economic location,infrastructure,traffic condition,and so on.Location is the most important influencing factor.Further studies in land price influencing factors are necessary.Spatial autocorrelation is a proper method in studying spatial distribution of commercial land price.
Journal of Jilin Normal University:Natural Science Edition
spatial autocorrelation
commercial land price
spatial pattern
Fuqing city