对于语义网而言,它的成功有两个条件,一是要以现行的网络平台为基础,二是要充分利用当前的领域数据.关系数据库存储着大部分领域数据,针对关系模式与RDF的映射问题,文章介绍了一种新的方式,称为"属性视图".与Jena等一些系统中所使用的"属性表"不同,它是一种传统的关系模式视图,用这种视图来描述建立在关系数据库上的RDF(S)本体,能够使得在传统的关系数据库系统上实施一般的语义网应用,并且在必要的时候,可以利用这种视图将关系数据库中的表数据方便地转存到相应的RDF Store中,生成本体实例.
There are two aspects about the success to the Semantic Web.One is the foundation of the traditional Web;the other is to make full use of the data in domains.Most of the domain data are stored in the relational databases.A new method is proposed in order to solve the problem about the mapping between relational schema and the RDF.Differing from the ″property tables″ in some researches like Jena,the property view is a kind of relational view.People can use property views to describe the RDF(S) based on relational databases,can develop some general Semantic Web applications on the relational databases,and what′s more,we can transform the data in the databases to the corresponding instances stored in some RDF Stores.
Journal of Jilin Normal University:Natural Science Edition