为了对基于共享机制的分布式可扩展并行机群系统进行测试和性能评价, 在分布式共享存贮环境和分布式存贮环境下实现了Mandelbrot 集. 介绍了Mandelbrot 集, 给出了Mandelbrot 集在两种环境下的并行算法及实现, 并对其实现特点进行了分析和比较. 进而又讨论了在两种环境下带图形控制面板的并行算法的实现,
In order to test and evaluate a shared memory based system of network of workstations, the parallel algorithm of Mandbrot set on both the environment of distributed shared memory system and that of distributed memory system is implemented. Then the difference between the two system implementations is compared. We further discuss the implementation of Mandelbrot set on the two environments with a graphical control panel, with one can repeatedly draw the image with various sizes of the canvas window and with different iterate numbers or magnify different subareas .
Journal of Yantai University(Natural Science and Engineering Edition)
国家863 高科技基金