Calcium-sensing receptor(CaSR) is expressed in human parathyroid cells and renal tubular epithelial cells mainly. CaSR could control parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion and the renal tubular' s handling of the electrolytes and water. This receptor plays a central role in extracellular calcium homeostasis, and involves in the process of bone remodeling. The change of CaSR function, including anti- CaSR antibodies, CasR gene mutations or any part impairment in CaSR signaling pathway, not only results in the imbalance of PTH and calcium homeostasis, but also relates to disorders of bone remodeling and renal tubular' s mishandling in the electrolytes and water, which contribute to hyperparathyroidism. It makes possible clinical use of cinaealcet in hyperparathyroidism in theory.
International Journal of Surgery