目的探讨超脉冲CO2激光在瘢痕治疗中的疗效。方法在表面麻醉或局部麻醉下,根据瘢痕类型选择相应的激光能量进行治疗,以术中创面颜色判断创面所达层次。结果本组105例患者,术后随访1年,均取得了满意效果。未出现感染及瘢痕增生,42例术后1个月出现色素沉着,经适当抗色素沉着治疗后,2个月左右均消退。结论 CO2激光治疗瘢痕,不仅解决了一些传统办法无法解决的难题,而且方法简洁、安全。
Objective To explore the effect of super-inpulse CO2 laser in scar therapy.Methods According to the different scar type,chose the appropriate energy level of laser under superficial anesthesia or local anesthesia.Judge the extent according to the colour of the wound.Results One hundred and five patients were satisfied one year after treatment,and no infection or scar-hyperplasia occurred.Fourty two cases had chromatosis one month after treatment,and it was fixed in two months after corresponding therapy.Conclusion CO2 laser therapy not only solved some problems that can't be solved by trandtional means,but also make operation more clean and easy.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery