
移位食管支架复位与提取的临床效果观察 被引量:1

Pick-up and replacement shift esophageal stent
摘要 目的通过改变食管支架回收线圈的构型并应用自行设计的支架回收装置,对移位或异位食管支架进行提取(或)复位,观察其可行性和可操作性。方法将原有的螺旋型回收线圈改成直穿型,并利用支架回收器在X线监视下,对93例移位食管支架进行提取与复位,观察此种方法的提取支架的可操作性和成功率。结果 93例移位或异位食管支架除2例因肉芽组织长入支架上口导致提取失败,其他91例均全部提取或复位,成功率98%,无一例严重并发症发生。结论采用直穿型线圈的食管支架配合改进的支架回收器进行食管支架复位和提取操作简便,成功率高,在临床上有很高的应用价值。 Objective Though changing the esophageal stent recovery coil and application support recovery unit designed for displaced or ectopic to observe the feasibility and operability.Methods Changing the original spiral coil into a straight through type,and the use of stents collector X-ray monitoring of 93 patients with esophageal stents shift extraction and reduction,observed the extraction of this method can be operational and support success rate.Results 93 patients with esophageal stent displacement besides 2 cases of ectopic granulation tissue grew into the scaffold for catchy lead extraction fails,the other 91 cases were fully drawn down or reset,the success rate of 98%,with no serious complications.Conclusion Straight through type of esophageal stent with improved coil stent for esophageal stent device reset recovery and extraction is simple,effective solution to the commom complications after esophageal stent placement.
出处 《安徽医学》 2011年第4期511-513,共3页 Anhui Medical Journal
关键词 食管支架 移位 复位和提取 介入治疗 Esophsgeal stent Shift Pick-up and replacement Intervention theraphy
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