随着信息科技的发展,特别是计算机技术越来越广泛且深入的应用,为企业信息化管理提供了重要手段。介绍在Visual C++6.0与Access开发环境下,利用标准的SQL结构化查询语言,选用ODBC数据库访问技术,将原有的纸质档案信息存储在数据库中,以实现企业产品档案管理系统。通过设置不同级别的访问权限,可实现对产品信息数据的有效管理。该系统试运行稳定,实践证明其开发流程适于中小型企业数据库管理系统的建立。
With application of information technology, especially more and more widespread and profound application of computer technology supplied important methods for informatization management of enterprise. The realization of enterprise product archives management system by storing the original paper archives in database under the environment of Visual C++ and Access is introduced, which is based on Structured Query Language and selects ODBC database access technology. The system can accomplish the management of product data effectively by setting different access authority. The trial operation of the system is stable, which indicates that the development process suitable for the establishment of database management sys tem for small enterprises.
Modern Electronics Technique