objective To study the feasibility of early internal fixation in 119 patients with a moderate or severe head injuryassociated with long-bone fractures. Method A retrospective review was made on clinical data of 119 patients with concomitanttraumatic head injury and long-bone fractures treated from January 1995 through December 1998. Results In 68 petients.whounderwent early internal fixation (operation group), 62 (91.2%) had good fracture bony union, only 6 (8.8%) died, none hadmalunion. In 51 patients without operation (non operation group), only 12 (23.5%) had good bony union, but 26 (51%) had malunionand 13 (25.5%) died. Conclusion Internal fixation of fracture should be given as soon as possible in patients with a head injuryassociated with long-bone fractures, which benefits on therapy and nursing and can prevent some complications such aspostoperation pneumonia, fat embolism and adult respiratory distress syndrome to decrease mortality and disability
Journal of First Military Medical University